Content of דונלד רות'ברג
Content of Donald Rothberg

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Teacher Name:
Donald Rothberg
Dr. Donald Rothberg is a leading teacher and writer on meditation, the intersection of psychology and spirituality, and socially engaged spiritual practice.

He has taught and practiced Buddhist meditation for over 35 years, and his teaching and trainings have helped to pioneer new ways of connecting inner and outer transformation.

He is a member of the Teacher's Council at Spirit Rock Center and board member for the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. Donald has also served as director of the Socially Engaged Spirituality program at the Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco. He is the author of The Engaged Spiritual Life: A Buddhist Approach to Transforming Ourselves and the World.

Formerly on the faculties of several Universities in the US, and currently teaches and writes on mindfulness and lovingkindness meditation and the application of these and other practices to transforming the judgmental mind, speech and communication, working with conflict, social service, and social action.

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