Bibliography of Stephen Fulder's Books and Articles


An End to Ageing?, Thorsons, Harper Collins, London, and Healing Arts Press,               Rochester, Vermont, (1987).[ISBN 0722507690/2722507690


The Handbook of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Third edition, Oxford         University Press, Oxford (1996).[ISBN 0192626698]

Garlic, Nature’s Original Remedy (co-author John Blackwood), Healing Arts              Press, Rochester, Vermont (1991).[ISBN 0892814365]

The Garlic Book. Avery Press, New York (1996). [ISBN 0895297868]

How   To   Survive Medical Treatment, Third edition, C.W. Daniel,   Saffron                  Walden, Essex (1994). [ISBN 0852072791]

Towards   a   New Science of Health, (with R. Lafaille,   co-editor),   Routledge, London (1993).[ISBN 0415081718]

The Ginger Book: Souvenir Press, London (1994). and Avery Press, New   York,            (1996).

Potentiating Health and the Crisis of Immunity, (with A. Mizrachi, N. Sheinman, co-editors), Plenum, New York, (1996). [ISBN 030645602-8]

FAQs: All About Garlic Avery Press, New York (1998) [ISBN 0895298864]

FAQs: All About Ginseng, Avery Press, New York (1998) [ISBN 0895298929]

User’s Guide to Garlic, Basic Health Publications, Bergen, New Jersey (2005) [ISBN1-59120-135-7]


Scientific Papers on Complementary Medicine                      


Fulder,   S.J., The Growth of Cultered Human Fibroblasts Treated with     Hydrocortisone   and Extracts of the Medicinal Plant Panax Ginseng,        Experimental Gerontology, 12   125-131 (1977).

Bittles,   A.H., Fulder, S.J., Grant, E.C. and Nicholls, M.R., The Effect of Ginseng      on the Lifespan and Stress Response in Mice, Gerontology, 25 125-131   (1978).

Ben-Hur, E.   and   Fulder, S.J., Effect of Panax Ginseng   saponins   and            Eleutherococcus Senticosus on Survival of Cultured Mammalian Cells after Ionising Irradiation, Amer. J. Chinese Med., 9 48-56 (1981).                         Fulder, S.J., A Scientific Study of Oriental Remedies, Brit. J. Acupuncture, 4   3-7       (1981).

Fulder, S.J. and Monro, R.E. Complementary Medicine in the U.K.: Patients,               Practitioners and Consultations, Lancet 2 542-545 (1985).                     Fulder, S.J. and Kataria, M., A Double Blind Clinical Trial of Panax Ginseng       in         Aged Subjects. In: Proc. 4th. International Ginseng Symposium, Seoul,                 Korea, (1984).

Hallstrom, C., Fulder, S.J. and Carruthers, M., The Effect of Ginseng on Performance     of Nurses on Night Duty., Comp. Medicine East and West, 6 277-282             (1982).

Fulder, S.J., A New Interest in Complementary (Alternative) Medicine: Towards             Pluralism in Medicine? Impact of Science on Society, 143 235-243 (1987).                   Fulder, S.J., Garlic and the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiology in          Practice, March (1989).                    

Fulder, S.J., Scorn Not Garlicke, Pharmacy Update, 327-329 October (1988).                   Fulder S.J., Garlic as Medicine, Chemist and Druggist, 4-6 17th. March (1990).               Fulder,   S.J., The Impact of Alternative Medicine on our Views of Health, The            Journal of Contemporary Health, Winter (1995).

Fulder, S.J. and Tenne, M. Ginger as an Antinausea Remedy in Pregnancy and the          Issue of Safety. Herbalgram 38: 47-50 (1996).

Fulder,   S.J.,   Natural   Health and Healthy Nature: the   Neo-Hippocratic          Revolution   in Alternative Medicine, In: Studies in Alternative Therapy,          Odense   University   Press, Denmark, (1995).

Fulder, S.J. Dissecting Nature, Int. J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine, April        (1997)

Fulder, S.J. The Health Consequences of Competing Conventional and Alternative          Definitions of Health. In: Mizrachi, A., Fulder, S. And Sheinman, N. (eds)      Potentiating Health and the Crisis of the Immune System. Plenum, New York, (1997).

Fulder, S.J. The Impact of Alternative Medicine on our Views of Health, Journal of          Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 4 147-158 (1998)

Fulder, S.J. The Biology of Awakening. Network Review, No. 70, August (1999).

Fulder, S.J. Extinction and Diversity in Alternative Medicine (Editorial). Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 8 395-398 (2002).

Burns, S.B. and Fulder, S.J. Arabic Medicine: Preservation and Promotion. A Millenium of Achievement. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 8 407-410 (2002).

Fulder, S.J. The Scientist is the Concept not the Science – Some Reflections on Bench-Top Buddhism. Network 79 19-20 (2002).

Azaizeh, H., Fulder, S., Khalil, K. and Said, O. Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Local Arab Practitioners in the Middle Eastern Region. Fitoterapia 74 98-108 (2003).

Said, O., Khalil, K. Fulder, S. and Azaizeh, H. Ethnopharmacological Survey of the Medicinal Herbs in Israel, the Golan Heights and the West Bank Region. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 83 251-263 (2002)

Fulder, S.J., Remembering the Holistic View, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11 775-6 (2005).

Said, O., Fulder, S., Khalil, Kh., Azaizeh, H., Kassis, E. and Said, B. Maintaining a Physiological Blood Glucose Level with ‘Glucolevel’, a Combination of Four Anti-Diabetes Plants Used in the Traditional Arabic Herbal Medicine. eCAM (2007).

                                            Scientific Papers on Ageing            


Fulder,   S.J., The Measurement of Spontaneous Mutation in Mammalian Somatic           Cells,   The Nucleus, 18 89-107 (1975).

Fulder,   S.J. and Tarrant, G.M., Possible Changes in Gene Activity During The               Ageing of Human Fibroblasts. Experimental Gerontology, 10 205-211 (1975).

Fulder,   S.J. and Holliday, R., A Rapid Rise in Cell Variants during the          Senescence of Population of Human Fibroblasts, Cell 6 67-73 (1975).                                                   Fulder,   S.J., Research into Ageing in Developed and Developing Countries,       Science and Culture 42 86-92 (1976).

Fulder, S.J., Cellular Genetics - The Presentation of Molecular Concepts in         Gerontology to Mixed Audiences, Age and Ageing 8 123 (1979).               Fulder, S.J., Spontaneous Mutations during the ageing of Human Cells, In: Vth.           European Symposium on Basic Research on Gerontology, Perimed Verlag,             Germany (1976).

Fulder   S.J., Spontaneous Mutations in Ageing Human Cells: Studies Using a              Herpes Virus Probe, Mech. Ageing and Develop., 6 271-282 (1977).                   Fulder, S.J., Programmes, Pacemakers and the Holy Grail, Trends in Biochemical            Sciences, 2 N203-N204 (1977).

Fulder, S.J., Evidence for an Increase in Presumed Somatic Mutation during the              Ageing of Human Cells in Culture, Mech. Ageing and Develop., 10 101-115     (1979).

There are a number of papers published in symposium proceedings in addition.

Popular Articles

Of many popular articles, a selection is listed below.

A Pathological Race Through Life, New Scientist, 74     122-124 (1977).           Ginseng: Useless Root or Subtle Medicine? New Scientist, 74 138-139 (1977).           Ginseng: The Plant that Hides from Man, Nursing Mirror, 30th. October (1978).           The Hammer and the Pestle, New Scientist, 10th. July (1980).

The Drug that Builds Russians, New Scientist, 21st. August (1980).

The Inscrutible Power of Ginseng, Reader’s Digest, December (1980).

Time for a Tonic, New Scientist, 96 722-724 (1982).

Ineffective Herbal Products in the UK Marketplace., J. of Alternative Medicine,           February   (1986).

Allicin: The Power in Garlic. Nature & Health 7 71-72 (1986).

A Complementary NHS?, Here’s Health, February (1986).

Garlic - Crushed Hope. Here’s Health, October (1986).

Can Ginseng Stand the Test?   Keynote Address, 7th. North American   Ginseng            Conference,   Las Vegas. (1988).

Help Yourself with Superherbs, Here’s Health, February (1991).

How to Help Your Patients Survive Medical Treatment. J. Alternative   &            Complementary Medicine, October (1989).

The Feverfew Furor, Alive, Canada, September (1994).

Dissecting Nature. J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine, (April 1997)

The Scientist is the Concept Not the Science, Network. No. 79. p19-21 (August 2002)

Judaism and Buddhism. Jewish Rennaisance p11-12, Autumn (2002)

Inevitable Icons. Network Review. p.28 Winter (2005)

A Middle Way in the Middle East. Inquiring Mind, 22-23, Autumn (2004)

Small Expectations, Small Joys, Tricycle, 74-75, Summer (2003)

To Prove Consciousness or to Trust It? Network Review, p31 Summer (2006)