"Dharma in everyday life" - Course in TA to deepen the practice

Event category: 
Start time: Tuesday 17:45
End time: Tuesday 21:00

"Dharma in everyday life"

Urban course to deepen the practice

With: Yonatan Dominitz, Bat-El Tolnai & Ilan Lutenberg

Starting the 2nd of December 2014

Sangha House, 21 Ovadya Mebartenura street, apartment 15, Tel-Aviv


This is a continuous course where participants will learn and experience, within themselves and together. Its goal is to deepen the practice into everyday life, and this will be its 8th year.

This is a long and intensive "urban course" and is a great opportunity to develop in practice for 3 months, while living daily life, along wth a commited group of practitioners.

In this course we will learn and explore togetherr how to live a spiritual and awakened life filled with meaning. We'll see how we can bring more qualities of the Dharma into our lives, so that our awareness, thought, words and relationship become a space for practicing and internalizing the Dharma. In the fourth noble truth, the Buddha shows a way to integrate and incorporate the practice of meditation with the dilemmas and problems that we deal with in everyday life. In this course we will dive into the 8-fold path, that includes amongst others wise view, useful intention, wise speech, wise action, wise effort and right livelihood - and explore if and how they are applicable and beneficial for us and others.

Participation also includes practicing and learning tasks at home, to deepen and preserve the practice. In addition practice and work in small groups, beyond the scheduled meetings, would be suggested.

Information about the course and registering - please read everything carefully:

Who is suitable for the course
The course is meant for practitioners who have participated in at least two long silent retreats (5 days or longer), and are interested in deepening their knowledge and experience in everyday practice.

Those with background in volunteering in Tovana will have priority.

Participation in the course includes a commitment to participate in most of the meetings as well as everyday practice between meetings according to the instructions given.


The course will be held in Sangha House in Tel-Aviv, starting on 2/12/2014 and ending on 3/3/2015.

The course will have 14 meetings on Tuesdays and 2 long meetings on Fridays.

• The Tuesday meetings will be held once a week, 17:45-21:00 (detailed schedule will be sent to participants)

• 2 days of concentrated practice on Fridays (9:00-16:00) will be on 26.12.14 and 23.1.15. Keep in mind that the Friday meetings are a significant and inseperable part of the course.

The meetings include meditation, a Dharma talk, work in small groups and shared discussions about Dharma- and practice-related subjects.. In addition we will practice how to be "kliana mitha" (a spiritual friend) to the friends in the group.

Costs of the program

For the program we collect a participation fee of 420 NIS meant to cover direct and indirect expenses of Tovana (including the teachers' transportation costs) that are involved in developing and executing the program.

In case of a problem paying the fee, please contact us. No practitioner will be denied from the problems program because of financial problems.

Cancellation policy -  Whoever cancels the registration before the course begins will get their money back. Afterwards a refund won't be possible.

Dana for the teachers and Sangha House

The teachings and hosting in Sangha House are given without a specific fee, but in Dana - out of generosity of the heart. At the end of each meeting the participants will have a chance to give out of generosity to the teachers and the house. 


The course is open to a maximum of 28 participants. Please register in advance. Priority willbe given to those with more background, as well as to practitioners which volunteered in Tovana.
To fill in the Registration form click the following link:

לחצו כאן

Further questions could be addressed to Gabi Karilker, registration manager: gkarilker@gmail.com

Only if the mail wasn't answered within a few days, you may call us here: 054-5718631


 Tovana Staff

Registration will be opened few weeks before the event